HAHA! So in true Pinhead form, I haven't properly introduced Pinheads 1 and 3! And to be honest, it probably won't get done in this blog either. LMAO!
I also didn't blog yesterday.
I have a perfectly reasonable explanation I swear!
No, it's not an excuse.
*gives you a disappointed glare and then proceeds to pout*
Well ................... I have a giant hole in my ceiling!
Yeah it's awesome! We've had problems with our shower for ages.
So much so that I have felt that a big part of the health problems I have had over the past 2 years are partially due to the fact that there is mold between the floors of my apartment. (Whether this is the case or not, is yet to be determined, I guess we'll find out)
Long story short, my landlord's husband and her son, (AKA "Whatshisname" and "Fucktard" respectively), came over to "check what they'd have to do to fix leak" the day before yesterday, and as he poked his screwdriver in through the small hole where water poured down from, a big chunk of drywall, fell on the floor.
Whatshisname then looks at me and says "I guess we're coming back tomorrow." (YOU GUESS?)
No big deal you think?
I am already in flight or Fight mode BEFORE they've even come in, for me, it is a big deal, HUGE.
And I have a hard enough time being outside my house with people. I don't like them coming in my house.
My home is my safe zone. Or at least it is supposed to be.
Regardless if my brain should know logically that it's better to let Whatshisname and Fucktard in to fix the leaky roof, my nerves scream "GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!"
My spouse (PawBear), was pulling his 24 hr work week-end, where he does 12 hrs on Sat. and 12 hrs on Sun.. So he is already edgy at work, leaving me on my own for so long. He knows by now that any disruptions to my routine sends me into wild panic attacks.
I say wild panic attacks, because I do some pretty fukked up shit, when I have gone over that edge. Including getting what I like call "SuperWoman" Complex, where I believe I have no choice but to do something on my own, I surge with adrenaline and can "bulldoze" objects or people 2, 3 or even 4 times my size. Resulting in injury of my own person, or perhaps if someone else is there, the possibility of hurting someone else in my panic is highly probable even if it is not my intention.
So anyway,
Fukktard tells me Saturday afternoon, that I have to move my Queen sized bed upstairs (which is full of boxes), and rearrange my whole house practically by 9 am the next morning otherwise we'd have to have the hole in the roof until the following week-end.
I am all by myself, so in my mind I am already speeding full tilt for the edge. I have no idea how I am going to do this alone.
Oh yeah. I don't know anyone where I live. So Regis can't offer me the option of "phoning a friend".
My lifeline is at work until 9pm. WHAT am I going TO DO?
So, PawBear left work early so that he could come home and surprise me, and hopefully prevent me from doing something stupid, like trying to move everything on my own, and hurting myself.
Thank God he did. I was literally minutes away from "Just Do'ing It!"
As it stood, even with both of us there, we couldn't get the bed upstairs.
But PawBear stayed up the whole night, while I slept, and rearranged everything as best he could so that they could come and fix our shower at 9am Sunday morning.
Well..... like I said at the start of this post.
I have a GIANT hole in my ceiling!
Today's weather.
Stormy , with a high probability of showers .... Right in the Middle of MY Livingroom!
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